Baby Blue | the baby humpback whale

Commisioned by: Arts On the ave

“Could you make something large?” came the question. 

“Find me a place to build it because my apartment’s only 450sq Feet” was the matter-of fact reply. 

And so, in the middle of the coldest winter in recent memory, in an unheated, nearly 100-year-old garage, (generously provided by QuartersArts), Gabs set to work building a life-sized baby humpback whale.

Built in sections, each taking up the entire floorspace of that freezing January garage and finally assembled outside, Gabs diligently powered through the build, break-ins, budgets, and a bit of frostbite. Before letting the whale swim it’s way through four festivals (twice on tour swimming through unsuspecting pandemic-restricted neighbourhoods) Finally to be near-completely re-built to be shown here today.