TADA, The red Panda

CommissioNed by The Edmonton Valley Zoo | November 2024

Red Pandas are on the Endangered species list - With Fewer than 10,000 remaining worldwide; But thanks to the hard work of the Edmonton Valley Zoo, there are a few more than there otherwise would have been. The zoo participates in the Red Panda network, which has resulted in 30 Red Panda Pups being born right here in Edmonton!

To celebrate this success, GABS has Created TADA! The Red Panda, a fuzzy glowing Friend.

When threatened, Red Pandas rear up on their hind legs in order to look big and scare off predators, So Tada has been posed in a manner that would protect a real life Red Panda - but she has a friendly smile to let you know she doesn’t actually feel threatened by you personally, and just wants to play.

Habitat loss is the main threat to red panda survival, so GABS has incorporated a surround of bamboo, The habitat which protects real life red pandas serves as a barrier to protect the artwork.